Built to Last

Real Estate and Construction Industry

LBMC对房地产和建筑业了如指掌. 拥有众多的房地产和建筑客户, 我们已经学会了如何创造机会并提供对您有利的最佳实践.

30多年来,LBMC与建筑行业的广泛客户合作. 明升体育app下载目标是帮助这些客户应对具有挑战性的监管要求, assess financial risks, increase profitability and grow their businesses.

无论是加速折旧扣除, property tax abatements, grants for infrastructure improvements, or energy efficiency credits, 我们深厚的行业经验和专业知识可以提供帮助. From inception to completion, we see your projects through with accounting, auditing, tax planning, payroll, technology, 管理层的支持可以减轻你的负担. 我们提供全面的定制服务,以满足您的需求. 

CASE STUDY: R&D Tax Credit for Construction & Real Estate

这个成功的故事回顾了一家位于纳什维尔的建筑/工程服务公司, Tennessee that reached out to our team for an R&D Tax Credit Study. 该公司2017年的年收入为1.48亿美元,并且增长显著. 他们雇佣了1150名员工,其中650名是合格的.


Our team of R&D顾问与每个细分市场的领导者进行了小组会议, key members of the Innovation Board, 和财务团队,以便对R的资格进行教育和建议&D Credit and how to apply it to their business. In these meetings, 我们讨论项目资格,并确定哪些项目符合跨市场的资格. 这些信息用于分析他们的内部计时数据,并量化每个适用员工的合格研究百分比.


  • 合资格研究开支(合格研究开支)1,300万元
  • $1.1 million in gross federal credits
  • 2021年从4个州获得4万美元的总信用额度

View the entire case study here.

Indications of an R&D Tax Credit Opportunity

  • 你是否雇佣工程师、科学家、项目主管或程序员?
  • Do you develop or improve products or processes?
  • 在产品开发过程中会产生原材料成本吗?
  • Do you build prototypes, jigs, models or dyes?

Since 2014, McGuire Sponsel与LBMC合作,提供一流的诚信服务,为LBMC的客户带来价值. 作为一家全国性的专业税务咨询公司,McGuire Sponsel提供研究 & Development Tax Credits, Fixed Asset Services including Cost Segregation, 全球商业服务和信贷与激励服务. Contact us for more information.

What make us different?

作为美国排名前50的律所,LBMC致力于为客户提供量身定制的服务. 因为我们与各种各样的房地产和建筑客户合作, LBMC已经投入了大量资源来满足这个行业的需求. Key differentiators for LBMC include:

  • Diverse Experience
  • Bigger Picture Vision
  • Competitive Pricing
  • Dedicated to Deadlines
  • Intense Attention

Who we serve

LBMC行业专家拥有与各种房地产和建筑客户合作的经验. 明升体育app下载行业经验包括服务以下公司:

  • Asset Management Companies
  • Commercial & Residential Construction
  • Commercial & Residential Real Estate Owners/Investors
  • Developers
  • Engineering & Design Firms
  • Family Owner Real Estate Entities
  • General Contractors & Subcontractors
  • Operators
  • Property Management Companies
  • Property Management Companies
  • 商业和住宅房地产业主/投资者
  • Family Owned Real Estate Entities

ProForm: Simplifying AIA Billing

In the dynamic world of construction, 每个项目都涉及复杂的金融交易, managing billing processes efficiently is crucial. Enter ProForm, a powerful solution developed by LBMC Technology Solutions, 旨在彻底改变AIA(美国建筑师协会)在建筑行业的收费方式.

Seamlessly integrated with Sage Intacct’s ERP accounting platformProForm简化了复杂的计费程序,提高了准确性,并优化了现金流.

Read LBMC Tech’s blog for more information.

Executive Team

Link to Mark Real Estate and Construction

Mark Blackburn

Shareholder, Audit and Advisory

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Stacy Real Estate and Construction

Stacy Schuettler

CEO, Technology Solutions

phone icon email icon Knoxville
phone icon email icon Knoxville
Link to Jeff Real Estate and Construction

Jeff Talley

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Marc Real Estate and Construction

Marc Tolleson

Shareholder, Audit and Advisory

phone icon email icon Knoxville
phone icon email icon Knoxville
Link to Chuck Real Estate and Construction

Chuck Tomlin

Shareholder, Tax

phone icon email icon Chattanooga Nashville
phone icon email icon Chattanooga Nashville
Link to Sharon Real Estate and Construction

Sharon Powlus

President and CEO, Employment Partners

phone icon email icon Nashville
phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Sherrie Real Estate and Construction

Sherrie Whatton

President/CEO, Staffing Solutions

phone icon email icon Chattanooga Knoxville Nashville
phone icon email icon Chattanooga Knoxville Nashville

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